A secret Singer

The crowd kept cheering and clapping but it was his heart beat which made the real noise. He had reached the zenith of his dream but this was uncalled for. Every second seemed to rip his inner self making it more complicated and grim to put forward a step. The stage was never his forte, but this was the last chance to stay at the top of the dream. But he knew the moment his fans will see him their love will turn to hatred.

He felt someone push him and he fell on the stage. He slowly got up on his feet and trembled. He sweat like a pig on that cold winter night. The spot light immediately fell on him blinding his eyes. The cheering had stopped and there was pin drop silence. A loud lash was heard from the crowd “Get this creep away, we want our John”. And the audience sang in chorus “We want John, We want John”.

He looked at the crowd which was getting restless and a few rowdies had started to throw stones at him. He turned around his back to crowd, took a deep breath and did the unimaginable. Setting aside all his doubts for a while, he started to sing; for which he was known. A secret Singer named John who became a sensation on internet.

The moment his sweet voice echoed the crowd went silent again and his voice was welcomed with whistling and cheers. He turns back to his fans still singing and this time he is confident with a new ray of hope. His ugliness and disfigured body didn’t bother anyone, anymore. He was the secret singer John, who was now heartbeat of many.

Photo by Wendy Wei from Pexels

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